03 #14206 Lit i Polític

03 #14206 Literatura Anglesa i Discurs Polític


Propuesta de distribución de temas para las Presentaciones en clase:


G. Chulia PerisA. Domenech CasañE. Garcia Vez Feminismo in its beginnings.Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley & Virginia Woolf


M. Juan CuevasE. Martínez EsteveV. Mengual Roca Distopia.William Golding, George Orwell & Aldous Huxley


Reading WeekFirst Paper due/First Test 25Q on 16.10
T. Morales GomezA.Peña FabraL. Torres Matoses Science Fiction as political messageFrank Herbert,  Ray Bradbury & Robert Heinlein 25.10
L.BuiE.Albiach DomingoC.Bayo Villalba Literature / War politicsGraham Greene, Erich Maria Remarque, Kurt Vonnegut, Joseph Heller & John le Carre


G. Chulia PerisS. Fortea MorenoF.Gimeno Avellaneda Individual / SocietyH.G. Wells, Isaac Asimov & Arthur C. Clarke  15.11


Cover page “First & Second Paper” to copy/paste



Subject : #14206 Literatura Anglesa i Discurs Polític –

Student´s name: apellido apellido, nombre

Title of the paper: ñaldñlajfañljf añlfañljf añldjañlsjdalñ

Author or topic: nombre del autor

Abstract: Elkja sñadjalksjdf añlfkañfl Introduction Elkja sñadjalksjdf añlfkañfl akfñalfk ñlfkafñl añlfkañlfasfñljafñ dljf añlfañljf añldjañlsjdalñ añljfdal njkahsfjajhdh01añladfjañlfj ñaldñlajfañljf añlfañljf añldjañlsjdalñ añljfda njkahsfjajhdh02 fñl añlfkañlfasfñljafñ dldlkjdlñddñkasdlñaslkd añdjj añfa añladfjañlfj ñaldñlajfañljf añlfañljf añldjañlsjdalñ añljfdanjkahsfjajhdh03 fñl añlfkañlfasfñljafñ dldañldjañlsjdalñ añljfdanjkahsfjajhdh04 we cannjkahsfjajhdh05 ee tfñl añlfkañlfasfñljafñ dldlkjdlñddñkasdlñaslkd añdjj añfa añladfjañlfj ñaldñ añljfdahe Conclusion fñl añlfkañlfasfñljafñ dldlkjdlñddñkasdlñaslkd añdjj añfa añladfjañlfj ñaldñlajfañljf añlfañljf.

Bibliography, URL’s


¿¿¿ 5 – 7 – 9- 10, Aprobado – Notable – Sobresaliente – M.H.

ñaldñ lajfañljf añl fañljf añld jañls jdalñ …. (literaria) ???


Academic year 2010/2011
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© aquí tu nombre


03 #14206 Literatura Anglesa i Discurs Polític –

00 Listado de autores:

Authors we are going to read in class. Your First Paper can be based on any of these authors or you can choose to work on any of the authors listed under the heading of Suggested Readings.

Authors, women
Mary Wollstonecraft
Mary Shelley
Virginia Woolf
Doris Lessing
Ursula K. LeGuin

Authors, men
Thomas More
Jonathan Swift
Winston Churchill
George Orwell
Aldous Huxley

Suggested Readings:

A) Literary Politics

(authors and titles for the papers)

Thomas More, Utopia.
Shakespeare, Julius Caesar.
Shakespeare, Henry IV.
Shakespeare, Henry V.

Jonathan Swift, Gulliver’s Travels.

Mary Shelley, Frankenstein.

William Golding, Lord of the Flies
George Orwell, Animal Farm. George Orwell, 1984

Aldous Huxley, Brave New World.

Frank Herbert, Dune Trilogy (Dune, Dune Messiah, and Children of Dune).

Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451.

Mark Puzo, The Godfather.

Frank Herbert, God Emperor of Dune.

Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers
Graham Greene, The Quiet American.
Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front.
Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five.
Joseph Heller, Catch 22.

John le Carre, The Spy Who Came In from the Cold.

H.G. Wells, The War of the Worlds.
H.G. Wells, The Island of Dr. Moreau.
H.G. Wells, The Invisible Man.
Isaac Asimov, I Robot.
Isaac Asimov, The Foundation Trilogy.
Arthur C. Clarke, “Superiority.”

Michael Crichton, Prey. Michael Crichton, The State of Fear. Michael Crichton, Jurassic Park.


B)  Political Literature

Immanuel Kant, Perpetual Peace.
Karl Marx and Friedrick Engels, The Communist Manifesto.

Karl Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies, Volumes 1 and 2.
Max Weber, Politics as Vocation.
Xenophone, On Tyranny.
Leo Strauss, On Tyranny: An Interpretation of Xenophon’s Hiero in On Tyranny.
Rousseau, The Social Contact.

Plato, The Republic.
Sophocles, Antigone.

Abraham Lincoln, “Lyceum Speech.”
Machiavelli, The Prince, trans. David Wootton, Chapters 5, 15, 17, 18, and 19.
Machiavelli, The Discourses, trans. David Wootton, Chapter 2.

Hobbes, The Leviathan.
Nietzsche, The Genealogy of Morals.
Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil.
George Orwell, “Notes on Nationalism,” May 1945.
Leo Strauss, On Tyranny.
Leo Strauss, Thoughts on Machiavelli.



01  Listado de Textos de “Teoría” para los

Tests de Lit&Pol

artículos a discutir en clase y leer en casa

(procedencia http://www.uv.es/fores/teoriauvp.html)

01 Piereson, James Literature and Politics (A)

02 Morningstar, Chip “How To Deconstruct Almost Anything: My Postmodern Adventure” (R)

03  Jean Lopez, Kathryn   Three Cheers for the Patriarchy (I)

04 Kantor, Elizabeth – Importance of Literature (I)

05 Lukacs, George – Preface to the Theory of the Novel 1962 (A)

06 Lind, Bill – The Origins of Political Correctness (L)

07 Blunden, Andy – Frankfurt School: The Culture Industry (A)

Los 7 textos (del 01 al 07) se incluyen para el 1st Test de 25 Q(uestions),

para el 2nd Test de 50 Q(uestions) entran TODOS los textos de esta lista.

08 Moulthrop, Stuart – Hypertext and the Laws of Media ( A ) 20 pages

09  Malloy, Judy – Interactive Stories: Writing Public Literature (A) 12 pages

10  Coover, Robert – The End of Books (A) 6 pages

11 Kendall, Robert – The Birth of Electronic Literature ( A ) 10 pages

12 Bolter, Jay David – Degrees of freedom ( A ) 32 pages

13 Joyce, Michael – The Ends of Print Culture ( A ) 9 pages

14 Loux, Khris, et altri – Synaptic Web (I)



Los Textos que vamos a ir leyendo y analizando en clase:


01 – Thomas More’s “Petition for Free Speech,” 1523Modernized Version. Thomas_More‘s life.

02 – A Modest Proposal by Jonathan_Swift. Swift’s A Modest Proposal at BBC 4 Radio programme

03 – A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft

Chapter II. The prevailing opinion of a sexual character discussed.

04 –The Last Man by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley   Mary_Shelley‘s Life & Works

05 –  A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf

“Words Fail Me” Words: Craftsmanship – V.W. BBC radio broadcast from April 29th, 1937

06 –  Speeches by  Winston Churchill

a) Banquet Speech The Nobel Prize in Literature 1953 Nobel Banquet at the City Hall in Stockholm, December 10, 1953, the speech was read by Lady Churchill.

b) video Churchill’s  We Shall Fight on the Beaches,  4 June 1940  A full audio recording, hosted by The Guardian.

c) Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat, May 13, 1940 Audio recording of First Speech as Prime Minister

d) Until Victory is Won, Video of the Speech, London, on 12 June 1941.

e) Never Despair Churchill’s last speech at the House of Commons, March 1, 1955.

Churchill Biography on YouTube.com: Never Despair (4/4) Part1: http://youtu.be/v-Dl-fKpEh8, Part2: http://youtu.be/2fGQAgqhSNI, Part3: http://youtu.be/lB-4KY1Ipik

07 –  Essays by George Orwell

a) Arthur Koestler o Arthur Koestler b) Politics vs. Literature: An Examination of Gulliver’s Travels.

Biographer DJ Taylor profiles Eric Blair for The South Bank Show in 2003. The Real G.O. (1/6)

08 – The Ultimate Revolution by Aldous Huxley Audio Video Collection.

BRAVE NEW WORLD REVISITED [1958] by Aldous Huxley; Aldous Huxley on Camara
Brave New World
on line book.

09 –  Unexamined Mental Attitudes Left Behind by Communism by Doris Lessing

An Evening with Doris Lessing.

a) Video Interviews b) A Visit with Doris Lessing by Joyce Carol Oates

10 – Ursula K. Le Guin

a)  “Art, Information, Theft, and Confusion, Part 1” & b) “Art, Information, Theft, and Confusion, Part 2” 1 August 2010



A few examples of  (2010 – 2011) First Papers. (Some are very good, some are not that good, it is up to you, if you want to learn from previous examples.)

Subject :# #14206 Literatura Anglesa i Discurs Polític –  grup A

Authors, women
Mary Wollstonecraft: / matthut/ madovava

Mary Shelley: / ragoa/

Virginia Woolf: / safigue/

Ursula K. Le Guin: / sansabo/

Authors, men
Thomas More: / emily/

Abraham Lincoln: / demarvaz/ robusfer/

Jonathan Swift: / serlloga/ bek + oxana/ peroca

Winston Churchill: / epies2/

George Orwell: / rupazsi/ alferi/ rorueso/ maraul/ estgogo/

Aldous Huxley: / josanfe/


Join the Conversation


  1. I’ve tried to upload a pic of myself but it never uploads, I’m afraid.
    Come to my office and I´ll show you how.

    salut Dr. Forés

  2. Name: Bernat Cuenca.
    Course: Literatura Inglesa y Discurso Político.
    Author: H.G. Wells.
    Text: The war of the worlds.
    Topic: The analogy of the invasion of the Wold by Martians and the invasion or conquest of some countries by we the humans.
    (where is your photo?)

  3. Student’s Name: Joana Bastidas Fernandez
    Course: Literatura Inglesa y Discurso Politico.
    Author: Isaac Asimov
    Text: I Robot
    Topic: Rules of ethics in the society

  4. Student’s Name: Elsa Martinez.
    Course: Literatura Inglesa y Discurso Político.
    Author:George Orwell.
    Topic: Visions of the Future and Political Ideas in 1984

  5. Student : Laura BUI
    Course : literatura Inglesa y Discurso Politico
    Author : Thomas More
    Text : Utopia
    Topic : Utopia, an ideal society based on common welfare, uniformity and civic virtue, in contrast with the European feudal system of Thomas More’s day
    (where is your photo?)

  6. Sudent’s name: Carmen Bayo Villalba
    Course: Literatura y discurso politico
    Author: Michael Crichton
    Topic: the technology in “Prey”

    (especifica más el tema)

  7. Name: Rivas González, Neus
    subject: Literature and political discourse
    Title of the paper: Political correctness in The quiet American
    Author: Graham Greene
    (where is your photo?)

  8. Name: Juanma Pastor Labrandero
    Subject: Literatura inglesa y discurso político
    Author: William Shakespeare “Julius Caesar”
    Topic: The idealization of Julius Caesar´s figure in order to perpetuate Elizabethan monarchism.

  9. Student’s name: Guillermo Chuliá Peris
    Course: Lit. Inglesa y discurso político
    Author: Aldous Huxley “Brave New World”
    Topic: Criticism and satire of utopian thinking

  10. Name: Ferran Gimeno Avellaneda
    Subject: Literatura Inglesa y Discurso Político
    Author: Michael Crichton, Jurassic Park
    Topic: the morality of humans playing to be God

    (where is your photo?)

  11. Name: Sara Fortea Moreno
    Subject: Literatura inglesa y discurso político
    Author: George Orwell ” Animal Farm”
    Topic: The criticisim of English society through Animal Farm

  12. Student: Amparo Izquierdo
    Mary Wollstonecraft and the text ‘A Vindication of
    the Rights of Woman’.
    Topic: ‘the beginning of feminism and how
    it expanded until the 20th century’
    (where is your photo?)

  13. Hello,
    I’d like to correct my topic

    Student’s name: Esther Aranzazu García Vez
    Course: Lit. Inglesa y discurso político
    Author: Erich Maria Remarque “All Quiet on the Western Front”
    Topic: How the WWI is portayed in the novel

  14. Student’s name: Lidia Torres Matoses.
    Course: Lit. Inglesa y discurso político.
    Author: William Shakespeare.
    Text: Julius Caesar.
    Topic: Questioning the honesty of the political class.

  15. Student’s name: Ana Peña Fabra
    Course Group: Literatura Anglesa i Discurs Polític, group A
    Name of the author: Virginia Woolf
    Topic: Feminism in “A Room of One’s Own”

  16. Student’s name: Maria Juan Cuevas
    Course: Lit. Inglesa y discurso político
    Author: Mary Wollstonecraft
    Text: A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
    Topic: Early feminism

    (where is your photo?)

  17. Student’s name: Tamara Morales Gómez.
    Course: Lit. Inglesa y discurso político
    Author: George Orwell.
    Text: 1984
    Topic: Government’s control over the society, totalitarism.

  18. Student’s name: Elsa Martinez Esteve.
    Course: Lit. Inglesa y discurso político.
    Author : William Golding.
    Topic: The loss of innocence and survival in “Lord of the flies”

  19. Student’s name: Toledo Luque, Ana Carla
    Course: Lit. Inglesa y discurso político
    Author: Aldous Huxley
    Text: Brave New World
    Topic: Dystopian society

  20. Student’s name: Elena Albiach Domingo
    Course: Lit. Inglesa y discurso político
    Author: George Orwell “Animal Farm”
    Topic: Political Parallellisms with Stalin´s URSS

    (where is your photo?)

  21. Hello,
    I want to correct my topic.

    Name: Mara A Domenech Casañ

    1st Paper Topic: Moral and Political criticism in Jonathan Swift, Gulliver’s Travels.

    Thank you

  22. My name is Juanma Pastor Labrandero and I volunteer to do the presentation about William Shakespeare´s Julius Caesar next week