00 Listado de Textos de “Teoría” para ambos Tests de Método –
Artículos a discutir en clase y leer en casa
(procedencia http://www.uv.es/fores/teoriauvp.html)
01 Becker, Howard S.- Theory: the necessary evil ( A )
02 Lavagnino, John.- Reading, Scholarship, and Hypertext Editions ( A )
03 Klages, Mary.- The Modern Critical Thought ( i) (obligatorios a y b, opcional c y d)
a) “Theory Before Theory,” or “What Do We Do with Literature?
b) Structuralism/Poststructuralism
c) Michel Foucault: What is an Author?
04 Hedges, Warren – Timeline of Major Critical Theories in US ( A ) (sólo de consulta)
05 Lye, John – Contemporary Literary Theory ( A )
06 Tim O’Reilly – What is Web 2.0? Design Patterns and Business Models ( A )
07 Wolff, Fitzpatrick & Youssef Rethinking Usability for Web 2.0 and Beyond ( A )
Los 7 textos (01 al 07) se incluyen para el 1st Test de 25 Q(uestions),
para el 2nd Test 50 Q(uestions) entran TODOS los textos de esta lista.
08 Larsen, Deena – Fundamentals: Rhetorical Devices for Electronic Literature ( A )
( obligatorios 3 -a,b y c-, pero recomiendo leerlos todos)
a) A Plea for Connections: Links convey meaning
b) This Sentence is False: Contradiction in multiple voices
c) Words and Meaning: A controversial glossary of terms
09 Moulthrop, Stuart What the Geeks Know: Hypertext and the Problem of Literacy ( A )
10 Kendall, Robert The Birth of Electronic Literature ( A )
11 Pixy Ferris, Sharmila Writing Electronically The Effects of Computers on Traditional Writing ( A )
TODOS los textos se podrán leer on-line o podréis adquirirlos impresos en la fotocopiadora de laFacultat (2ºpiso).
start copying from ****** and paste into your blog page.
Subject :# 14213 Métodos de Estudio de la Literatura Inglesa Grupo A
Student´s name: apellido apellido, nombre
Title of the paper: ñaldñlajfañljf añlfañljf añldjañlsjdalñ
Author or topic: nombre del autor
Abstract: Elkja sñadjalksjdf añlfkañfl Introduction Elkja sñadjalksjdf añlfkañfl akfñalfk ñlfkafñl añlfkañlfasfñljafñ dljf añlfañljf añldjañlsjdalñ añljfdal njkahsfjajhdh01 añladfjañlfj ñaldñlajfañljf añlfañljf añldjañlsjdalñ añljfda njkahsfjajhdh02 fñl añlfkañlfasfñljafñ dldlkjdlñddñkasdlñaslkd añdjj añfa añladfjañlfj ñaldñlajfañljf añlfañljf añldjañlsjdalñ añljfdanjkahsfjajhdh03 fñl añlfkañlfasfñljafñ dldañldjañlsjdalñ añljfdanjkahsfjajhdh04 we can njkahsfjajhdh05 ee tfñl añlfkañlfasfñljafñ dldlkjdlñddñkasdlñaslkd añdjj añfa añladfjañlfj ñaldñ añljfdahe Conclusion fñl añlfkañlfasfñljafñ dldlkjdlñddñkasdlñaslkd añdjj añfa añladfjañlfj ñaldñlajfañljf añlfañljf.
¿¿¿ 5 – 7 – 9- 10, Aprobado – Notable – Sobresaliente – M.H.
ñaldñ lajfañljf añl fañljf añld jañls jdalñ …. (literaria)???
Academic year 2010/2011
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© aquí tu nombre
02 Bibliografía para actualizar
20 September 2010 in #14213 Métodos by fores (Edit)
Basic references:
Klarer, Mario. An Introduction to Literary Studies. 2nd ed. London and New York: Routledge, 2004. google books
Peck, John, and Martin Coyle. How to study a poet. London: Palgrave.
Pope, Rob. The English Studies Book. Routledge, 1998.
Guerin, W. L. et alli. A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature. OUP, 1992.
Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 6th ed. New York: Modern Language Association, 2003.
Works on critical approaches and literary theory:
Selden, Raman, et alii. A reader’s guide to contemporary literary theory. London: Prentice Hall, 1997.
Selden, Raman. Practicing Theory and Reading Literature: An Introduction. 1989.google books
Lodge, D. (ed.) : 20th Century Literary Criticism. A Reader. Longman, 1972.
Wellek, Renè and Austin Warren. Theory of Literature. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1956.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy APeer-reviewed Academic Resource Literary Theory
Dictionaries, glossaries, and other reference works:
Baldick, Chris. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms. Oxford UP, 1990.
Coyle, Martin, ed. Encyclopaedia of Literare and Criticism. London: Routledge, 1991.
Harmon, William and C. Hugh Holman. A Literature Handbook. Upper Saddle, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000.
Fowler, Roger, ed. A Dictionary of Modern Critical Terms. London and New York: Routledge, 1987.
Preminger, Alex, and T.V:F. Brogan, eds. The New Princeton Encycolpaedia of Poetry and Poetics. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993.
Abrams, M. H. A Glossary of Literary Terms. Forth Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1994.
On language, style, and prosody
Blake, N. F. An Introduction to the Language of Literature. Houndmills and London: Macmillan, 1990.
Brooks, Cleanth, and Robert Penn. Understanding Poetry. London: Holt, Rinehart & Wilson, 1968.
Carter, Ronald, ed. Language and Literature: An Introductory Reader in Stylistics. George Allen & Unwin, 1982.
Leech, G. N. & M. Short. Style in Fiction. London, Longman, 1981.
Leech, G. N. A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry. London: Longman,
Page, Norman (ed.) : The Language of Literature: A Casebook. Macmillan, 1994
Shapiro, Karl. A Prosody Handbook. Bew York: Harper and Row, 1965.
Wales, Katie. A Dictionary of Stylistics. London: Longman, 1991.
On scholarly writing:
Harner, James L. Literary Research Guide: A Guide to Reference Sources for the Study of Literatures in English and Related Topics. New York: Modern Language Association, 2002.
Oshima, Alice, and Ann Hogue. Writing Academic English. London: Longman, 1998.
Recommended websites:
Lecture Description
In this first lecture, Professor Paul Fry explores the course’s title in three parts. The relationship between theory and philosophy, the question of what literature is and does, and what constitutes an introduction are interrogated. The professor then situates the emergence of literary theory in the history of modern criticism and, through an analysis of major thinkers such as Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud, provides antecedents for twentieth-century theoretical developments.
Course Description
This is a survey of the main trends in twentieth-century literary theory. Lectures will provide background for the readings and explicate them where appropriate, while attempting to develop a coherent overall context that incorporates philosophical and social perspectives on the recurrent questions: what is literature, how is it produced, how can it be understood, and what is its purpose?
Course Index
- Introduction to Literary Theory
- Introduction to Literary Theory (cont.)
- Ways In and Out of the Hermeneutic Circle
- Configurative Reading
- The Idea of the Autonomous Artwork
- The New Criticism and Other Western Formalisms
- Russian Formalism
- Semiotics and Structuralism
- Linguistics and Literature
- Deconstruction I
- Deconstruction II
- Freud and Fiction
- Jacques Lacan in Theory
- The Postmodern Psyche
- The Social Permeability of Reader and Text
- The Frankfurt School of Critical Theory
- The Political Unconscious
- The New Historicism
- The Classical Feminist Tradition
- African-American Criticism
- Post-Colonial Criticism
- Queer Theory and Gender Performativity
- The Institutional Construction of Literary Study
- Neo-Pragmatism
- Reflections
Otras opciones para ver lo más importante del presente curso son:
Literary Theory
“Literary theory” is the body of ideas and methods we use in the practical reading of literature. By literary theory we refer not to the meaning of a work of literature but to the theories that reveal what literature can mean. Literary theory is a description of the underlying principles, one might say the tools, by which we attempt to understand literature. All literary interpretation draws on a basis in theory but can serve as a justification for very different kinds of critical activity. It is literary theory that formulates the relationship between author and work; literary theory develops the significance of race, class, and gender for literary study, both from the standpoint of the biography of the author and an analysis of their thematic presence within texts. Literary theory offers varying approaches for understanding the role of historical context in interpretation as well as the relevance of linguistic and unconscious elements of the text. Literary theorists trace the history and evolution of the different genres—narrative, dramatic, lyric—in addition to the more recent emergence of the novel and the short story, while also investigating the importance of formal elements of literary structure. Lastly, literary theory in recent years has sought to explain the degree to which the text is more the product of a culture than an individual author and in turn how those texts help to create the culture.
Table of Contents
- What Is Literary Theory?
- Traditional Literary Criticism
- Formalism and New Criticism
- Marxism and Critical Theory
- Structuralism and Poststructuralism
- New Historicism and Cultural Materialism
- Ethnic Studies and Postcolonial Criticism
- Gender Studies and Queer Theory
- Cultural Studies
- References and Further Reading