Million Mask March protest underway in London – live updates
Thousands of people dressed in Guy Fawkes masks in Trafalgar Square are met by ‘significant policing operation’, including thousands of extra officers to tackle expected unrest
Thursday 5 November 2015 22.26 GMT Last modified on Thursday 5 November 2015 22.39 GM
Thanks very much to Damien Gayle for his tweets from the scene. He will continue tweeting for a while yet at @damiengayle if you want more updates. Thanks again for reading.
Best to avoid the Westminster area if you’re driving in central London tonight.
Police push down towards Trafalgar Square from Charing Cross Road after their kettle became surrounded:
Updated at 10.26pm GMT
Boiling the kettle?
Time is well and truly up for protesters more than an hour after the protest was due to end.
Lucky escape from the kettle for the Guardian’s Damien Gayle on the scene
Officers continue with their efforts to curtail the protest in central London.
One protester tweets:
Police are closing off each corner of Trafalgar Square, Damien Gayle reports from the frontline:
As the crowd returns to Trafalgar Square, police are warning them that once they are inside they will not be allowed to leave.
Updated at 9.36pm GMT
Updated at 9.26pm GMT