00 Holier Than Thou – an exploratory hypertext fiction


Holier Than Thou

an exploratory hypertext fiction

by Michael Shumate


About “Holier Than Thou”

Although “Holier Than Thou” is a work of fiction that can be read in its own right, it is also part of a larger web of text. It is part of my final project “Writing Lives: Technology, Creativity, and Hypertext Fiction,” which I will be submitting for completion of my M.A. in Liberal Studies, Duke University, Summer, 1996. As part of this project, more detail on the writing of “Holier Than Thou” and its metamorphosis into a hypertext is available, although–I hope–not necessary to an enjoyable and informed reading of the story.

“Holier Than Thou” should be readable from all browsers–there are no images as yet except an image map. However, since it uses “client pull,” one of the “dynamic documents” extensions to HTML proposed by Netscape, reading it with Netscape Navigator version 1.1 or higher will be a very different experience than reading it with other browsers. I have no problem with this–in fact, it is done on purpose and I will discuss this in more detail in my final project. My inspiration to introduce this feature came directly from Stuart Moulthrop‘s recent fiction, Hegirascope, which I highly recommend.


Project Entrance | Bibliography | Glossary | Main Map

Version Notes

Initial release: October 19, 1995
Last update: July 25, 1996

©1996 Michael Shumate

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