00 At Notre Dame, Obama Calls for Civil Tone in Abortion Debate

At Notre Dame, Obama Calls for Civil Tone in Abortion Debate John Gress/Reuters President Obama with Richard Notebaert, chairman of the board of trustees at Notre Dame, after delivering his commencement address on Sunday. More Photos > By PETER BAKER and SUSAN SAULNY Published: May 17, 2009 SOUTH BEND, Ind. — President Obama directly confronted …

00 IV Congreso Cibersociedad 2009

Organizan: Sigue el Congreso en: El lema es… Crisis analógica, futuro digital Se debatirá sobre… accesibilidad administracióndigital adolescentesjóvenes alfabetizacióndigital ambiental aprendizaje apropiación social arte blearning blogosfera cambio desarrollo ciberactivismo cibercriminalidad ciberperiodismo cibersexo ciencia ciencia ciudadanía ciudades comunicacióncientífica comunidadesdigitales conocimiento consumidores contenido contracultura creación crisis cultura democracia didáctica ebooks economía educación edupunk e-learning empresa entornosvirtuales escuela …


REPORTAJE: INTERNET LA DICTADURA DEL ‘FAN’ INTERNAUTA GUILLERMO ALONSO 15/05/2009 Vota Resultado 8 votos Este chico de 21 años ha sido elegido personaje más influyente del año en Time gracias a que unos hackers amañaran su encuesta online. La revista, asumiendo el signo de los tiempos, ha aceptado la trampa. El hombre más influyente del …

00 Shakespeare’s sonnets turn 400

From The Times April 20, 2009 Shakespeare’s sonnets turn 400 After 400 years Shakespeare’s sonnets still hold a fascination for lovers – and for scholars seeking insights into the poet’s soul Jonathan Bate Happy 400th anniversary to Shakespeare’s sonnets. They are still going strong. You can buy dozens of different editions, ranging from pocket keepsakes …

OO “The Japanese tourists were comparing their videos.”

Couple caught having sex on Queen’s lawn Couple strip off in full view of hotels, pubs and shops near Windsor Castle and only stop when police arrive Abigail Edge and agencies guardian.co.uk, Thursday 30 April 2009 17.42 BST Article history Tourists enjoying a day of sightseeing at Windsor Castle got more than they bargained for …

00 Zen and Sigmund Freud

Enlightenment Therapy By CHIP BROWN Published: April 23, 2009 I. The Invisible Man If he hadn’t been so distraught, he might have laughed at the absurdity of it: a Zen master in the waiting room of a psychoanalyst. He was a connoisseur of contradictions, an unsentimental man with a “Zen noir” temperament and an un-self-sparing …

00 Internet estrena su primera sinfonía

Quiero recordar, aprovechándo la ocasión, la PRIMERA CIBEROPERA, en la que tuve el placer y honor de ser uno de los partícipes. REPORTAJE Internet estrena su primera sinfonía La Orquesta Sinfónica de YouTube debuta hoy en Nueva York con cuatro españoles entre sus músicos AGENCIAS – Nueva York – 15/04/2009 La orquesta formada por unos …

00 Shakespeare’s first theatre found

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/7931823.stm Page last updated at 14:48 GMT, Monday, 9 March 2009 E-mail this to a friend Printable version Shakespeare’s first theatre found London Museum’s Taryn Nixon explains the significance of the find Archaeologists believe they have unearthed the remains of Shakespeare’s first theatre, the BBC has learned. A team from the Museum of London found …

00 Archivo – Gómez Aguilar, Raquel – Grupo C

Student´s name : Gómez Aguilar, Raquel Title of the paper : “Afterwards“ Author or topic : Judy Malloy    Abstract : I decided to choose the hypertext “Afterwards” by Judy Malloy for my Second Paper because this text fulfills the two main conditions I was looking for in a hypertext : a text with a reading easy to follow and understand …

00 Archivo – Sancho Ferreras, Jonas – Grupo C

Student´s name : Sancho Ferreras, Jonas Title of the paper :  Richard Pryll’s Hyperfiction “Lies”: Analysis of Tools Author or topic :  Richard Pryll Jr.         © Richard Pryll Abstract :  I’ve decided to analyse the aspect of Tools because I really liked the way Mr. Pryll put the information together, how he made up the story, its creativity and …

00 Archivo – Badía Torrente, Leticia – Grupo C

Student’s name: Badía Torrente, Leticia Title of the paper: I Have Said Something about Storyspace vs HTML (An analysis of the tools used in I Have Said Nothing by J. Yellowlees Douglas) Author: Jane Yellowlees Douglas Jane Y. Douglas Abstract: From printed books to many hours of tedious code writing, from coding to learning how …

00 Archivo – Lucha Serrano, Patricia – Grupo C

Student´s name: Lucha Serrano, Patricia Title of the paper: Analysis of the time in The Rainbow Factory Author or topic: Peter Howard (1957)   Abstract: I am going to do an analysis of The Rainbow Factory, a hypertext written by Peter Howard, from the point of view of time. I will also write an introduction, which talks about the hypertext itself and the reasons why …

00 Archivo – Levy Ballester, Lorena – Grupo C

Student´s name: Levy Ballester, Lorena Title of the paper: Analysis of the SPACE in Uncle Roger                                                                          Author or topic: Judy Malloy (1942)   Abstract: I’m going to analyze the hypertext written by Judy Malloy, Uncle Roger, from the point of view of the SPACE. I will not just work on this aspect; I will also do a small general analysis of the text. Firstly, I’m going …

00 Archivo – Ortuño Domínguez, Víctor – Grupo C

Student´s name : Ortuño Domínguez, Víctor   Title of the paper : A Temporal Analysis of About Time   Author or topic : Rob Swigart‘s About Time   Abstract : In this second paper I am going to analyse the temporal aspects of Rob Swigart’s About Time, a hypertextual story. This format gives way to a great amount …

00 Archivo – Belmar Villar, Ana – Grupo C

Student´s name : Belmar Villar, Ana Title of the paper : A Tools’ Trip. Author or topic : “Who is Flora?” by Travis Alber.  Abstract : Let’s take a trip through “Who is Flora?” tools. I have divided my web page into two Indexes in order to make its structure similar to the hypertext “Who is Flora?”.  In the Primary Index you …

00 Archivo – Palazón Radford, Marc – Grupo C

Student´s name : Palazón Radford, Marc Title of the paper :  Same Day Test Author: Inglis,Gavin   Abstract :  I’m doing this work about the space in this hypertext. In doing this work I got together with someone else who also wanted to work on this hypertext, abargues, but he wanted to work about the time in the hypertext. We got together and made …

00 Archivo – Doncheva Doncheva, Dzhuliya – Grupo A

Student´s name : Doncheva Doncheva, Dzhuliya Title of the paper : “Reach” (© Image) Author or topic : Joyce, Michael Abstract : In my Second Paper I will focus my work on the analysis of one of the most famous authors of hypertext fiction, Michael Joyce, who is a professor of English at Vassar College, NY, USA and who created together …

00 Archivo – Gil-Nogués, Rafael – Grupo B

Student’s name:    Gil-Nogués, Rafael Title of the paper:   “8 Minutes: Narrative Tools” Author or topic:       Conway, Martha Abstract: You can click on some interesting links related to 8 MINUTES. I analyze which are the narrative TOOLS what the author uses when she created this hypertext comparing it with other of her works. I have maken an INTRODUCTION to help you in different aspects of this …

00 Archivo – Abargues Ferrus, Román – Grupo B

http://www.well.com/user/jmalloy/ Student´s name : Alfonso Coxias, Beatriz Title of the paper : Jenny’s passage Author or topic : Judy Malloy    Abstract: My paper of “A party at Silver Beach“consists of an introdution where you can find my experiences and some information about the hypertext I have chosen. You can also find thebiography of the author, an analysis focused on time aspects, Judy’s thoughts, and …

00 Archivo – Abargues Ferrus, Román – Grupo B

Student´s name : Abargues Ferrus, Román  Title of the paper :  Same Day Test Author: Inglis,Gavin   Abstract : The primary aspect to remark is the creation of a chart that is the basis of this study. That shows in paper the structure of the hypertext.  I’m doing this work about the time in this hypertext. In doing this work I got together …